About Us
Orlando Institute - The Center for Electrolysis, Laser Hair Removal and Skin Care has been established since 1982. Orlando Institute is proud to be celebrating 40 years of providing professional hair removal and skin care services in Central Florida.
The providers at Orlando Institute are pioneers and experts in permanent hair removal and clinical skin care. Treatments are available for all hair and skin types and thorough consultations are conducted to allow providers to recommend and the best treatment options available to achieve superior results safely and effectively. Consultations are provided so treatments can be customized to meet each individual client's hair removal and skin care needs. For those that have been dissatisfied with any other electrolysis, laser or light-based hair removal and skin care treatments...don't give up! You've tried the rest...now come to the best!
Orlando Institute - The Center for Electrolysis, Laser Hair Removal and Skin Care has been established since 1982. Orlando Institute is proud to be celebrating 35 years of providing professional hair removal and skin care services in Central Florida.
Orlando Institute also provides comprehensive training in electrology, laser and light-based hair removal and facial specialty. Receive the best education in a professional setting using the latest in equipment and technology from experts in the field. Small classes and personal attention will make it easy to learn basic and advanced concepts so that you will achieve success in this industry and pass all licensure and certification exams. All programs meet and exceed state requirements and are licensed and regulated under the Commission for Independent Education, Board of Medicine, Electrolysis Council and Board of Cosmetology. We are proud of our graduates who include hundreds of professionals from all walks of life...high school graduates to medical doctors.
Doris Williamson, RE, FS, CCE - Founder and Owner
Ms. Williamson is the founder and owner/director of Orlando Institute of Electrolysis, Inc. She has been licensed and practicing since 1981. She received her electrology training in New York City at the renowned Kree Institute. After working for a year in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania she returned to Orlando and opened a clinic that has flourished into the now well-established Orlando Institute - The Center for Electrolysis, Laser Hair Removal and Skin Care. The Institute went from a small electrolysis practice to becoming a full-service permanent hair removal and clinical skincare practice. The facility also has a separate training facility that offers programs in electrology, laser and light-based hair removal and facial specialty. She was one of the first formal training programs to offer electrology in Florida when she established the training institute in 1987. The practice was also one of the first permanent hair removal clinics to offer laser hair removal in 1995. She has trained hundreds of hair removal and skin care professionals both locally and internationally. She is a Certified Clinical Electrologist and is an active member of the Society for Clinical and Medical Hair Removal. She served as VP of Public Education for SCHMR and also contributed to the development of the Florida electrolysis curriculum and state board exam.

Michele Williamson Wagner, RE, CME, FS, MBA
Mrs. Wagner has been part of the Institute since 1991. She serves as an electrologist, laser hair removal specialist, facial specialist, instructor, and administrator. She received her electrolysis training from the Orlando Institute in 1986. She also has her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Stetson University and a master's degree in Business Administration from Rollins College. She is a Certified Medical Electrologist and has been a pioneer in the field of laser hair removal. She is a member of the Society for Clinical and Medical Hair Removal. She has held various board positions over the past 20 years with various associations. She lectures, has published various articles in the industry, and has contributed to the development of various laser technologies. She strives to keep up with the latest technologies and treatments by attending continuing education and training to ensure the most innovative and transformative care.

Melissa Adcock, RE, CME, FS, BS, BSN, MS-FNP, BC, C
Mrs. Adcock has been part of the Institute since 1995. She is Orlando Institute’s nurse practitioner and resident medical provider. She is also an electrologist, laser hair removal specialist, facial specialist, instructor, and administrator. She received her electrolysis training from the Orlando Institute in 1994. She also has a Bachelor of Science in Public Relations from the University of Florida, a Bachelor of Science in nursing from University of Central Florida, and her Master of Science in Nursing from Maryville University. She is double board certified by both the ANCC and the AANP. She is a Certified Medical Electrologist and is an expert in the field of clinical skin care. She is a member the Society for Clinical and Medical Hair Removal and the American Academy of Facial Esthetics. Melissa continues to take advanced courses in injectables, laser, radio frequency, fraxel, and other relevant technologies. She monitors trends and modern technology that are supported by clinical data to offer the most comprehensive, up-to-date care possible.